Love: freed from illusion

Love is the pain of waking from illusion

Monica Furlong

Love is God’s life code; it is what instructs and informs life.

Carlo Maria Martini

To see things as they really are. To see someone as she really is. Simone Weil suggests that “love sees what is invisible”. 


Who or what don’t you see?

To admit to blindness – recognizing the log that is in our own eye – is the first step to seeing!

Mosaic by Fr Marko Rupnik SJ from the National Shrine of Saint John Paul II in Washington DC.
The transfiguration of Jesus


…you are precious in my sight, and honoured, and I love you.  Isaiah 43:4

The images in this post are of the mosaic work of Fr Marko Rupnik, a Jesuit priest born in Slovenia. His luminous work continues the ancient traditions of sacred iconography, and can be found in churches and chapels in many countries. These images come from the National Shrine of Saint John Paul II in Washington DC.

The short videos below give some insight into Rupnik’s work and speak of insight into the power of visual image to convey deep spiritual meaning.

For a printable PDF of the text of this meditation please click on the link below.

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1 Comment

  1. I see the woman caught in adultery. Jesus is writing in the dust. There is a pile of stones since the crowd were ready to stone her. I don’t see the man who was not caught in adultery.