Practise resurrection: make life-giving decisions

To believe as against not believing is not to adopt an opinion, but to embrace a life.

Herbert Hodges

Image source:
Macha Chmakov Consolation

Look back and ask yourself about choices you have made in your life- and how you now feel about them.

How free do you feel in making choices?

Or are you driven by the need to fulfil other’ expectations,

or the need to keep up appearances?

Have you any sense that each day you are confronted by choices –

great and small –

which will make a difference to your living?

Is this threatening?

or liberating?

Macha Chmakov, Creation Day 6

We already have everything, but we don’t know it, and we don’t experience it. Everything has been given to us in Christ. All we need is to experience what we already have.

Thomas Merton

The images in this post are oil paintings by Macha Chmakov, who has studied at the Institut Catholique de Paris and who works both as a psychologist and a painter. The image at the top of the post is titled Creation Day 1

To see more of her paintings visit Macha Chmakov

For a printable PDF of the text of this meditation please click on the ink below.

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