Lent 5 – ‘Thin places’ – a pressure of significance

and it is here and nowhere else we will find God.

Paul Collins

From earliest childhood, I was always conscious of a strong, sometimes frightening, sometime deeply necessary current of sheer meaning in things and people, a pressure of significance that only rarely carried over into what people commonly said. The world was resonant and radiant with meanings and, knowing this, how could I speak as if no-one of it mattered, or leave it out the way people seemed to do?

Les Murray

There is only one non-negotiable,
and that is we only have one world – this one-
and it is here and nowhere else we will find God.

Paul Collins

Everything that meets our gaze is a parable
veiling and unveiling its higher meaning.

                                                         Hugo Rahner

If we lose the splendour of the natural world,
we lose our true sense of the divine.

                                                      Thomas Berry

Go for a walk.

Use some or all of your sense – sight, sound, taste, touch and smell.

Relax. Go slow.

Notice what you carry with you – in your body, in your mind, and in your heart – and see if you can let go of these things, ie., name them, give them some space, and put a distance between them and you.

Live in the present. Pay attention. Let be what is – let the sky, the sounds, a tree or a rock be – and let them speak to you.

Trust any moment that draws you (as distinct from being driven). Savour this time.

For whenever an event, a situation, a person seizes our attention,
then we first acknowledge that it is God-in-that-event,
God-in-that-person, nodding to us and recruiting
the God-ward-ness-in-me for a response.

Hedley Beare

[The vision of God is] never truly to be satisfied in the desire to see him. But one must always, by looking at what he can see, rekindle the desire to see more.

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