A thinking heart: habits of the heart

a focus of absolute trust

Elizabeth Johnson

As a focus of absolute trust, one to whom you can give yourself without fear of betrayal, the holy mystery of God undergirds and implicitly gives direction to all of a believing person’s enterprises, principles, choices, systems of values, and relationships.

Elizabeth Johnson

Image: Fernando Peña Defilló, Autoretrato Mistico (Mystical Self-portrait)

As we explore the mystery of God we are attracted and drawn into desiring to give ourselves ‘without fear of betrayal’. This is the One I can trust, and entrust myself, to a way of life that will form and transform me into what is life-giving, hopeful, peacemaking and justice seeking, compassionate and freeing.

Fernando Peña Defilló, “La ofrenda” (The Offering)

Forming habits of the heart is a daily choice where we generously dispose ourselves so that we can be interiorly taught by God.

Anglican priest and writer, Alan Ecclestone, suggests we can do this by

‘selfless attention,

unceasing patience,

passionate commitment,

honesty of purpose

and hunger for truth’.

Image: Fernando Peña Defilló, El Pensador (The Thinker)

The images in this post are of works by Fernand Pena Defillo, an artist from the Dominican Republic. His works explore the landscape of human nature.

For a printable PDF of the text of this meditation please click on the link below.

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