Second Sunday in Lent

Use some or all of this reflection to help guide your personal journey through this week of Lent.





Is there something physical you can do this week to make this psalm come alive for you? Use theses ideas or come up with something that speaks to you

  • Light a candle and read the psalm each morning.
  • Walk as you read it (hint read a verse, then walk a few paces, stop, read the next verse etc.)
  • Go outside one night and do a little dance after reading the psalm aloud.
  • Write out the verse or excerpt that would be most of benefit for you to be reminded of in times of difficulty and then fold it up and pop it somewhere where you can grab it if you need (a wallet, or in your phone in ‘notes’, or??)

    For me it’s the last verse – wait for the Lord, be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!


Waiting is hard, Jesus; it feels like I’m doing nothing. I have so many things to do, and waiting seems wasteful of my time. But you waited. You went into the wilderness to pray. You left people to be with yourself and God; to find courage for this walk you are making towards Easter.  

Teach me that way of being too. Amen


Here are two songs based on Psalm 27 you may like to listen to.

For a printable PDF of the text of this reflection please click on the link below.

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