Faith is not an opinion, it is an attitude.
Brother Roger of Taizé.
So I saw and understood that our faith is our light in our night, which light is God, our endless day.
Julian of Norwich.

Faith is a God-given way of imagining existence, not a cold truth, easily captured in concepts.
Michael Paul Gallagher

The greatest impediment to spiritual life is that no-one ever looks at anything at all, not so as to contemplate it, to apprehend what it is to be that thing, and plumb, if he can, the deep fact of its individual existence.
Austin Farrer

Faith, genuine faith, enlarges, transfigures us.
It is not about defending a position. It is about ”getting things right in the scale of what truly matters”.
It is constantly re-drawing the picture of God and us.
It is always about this present life “contemplated with different eyes”.
This kind of faith makes a difference to us..
A good test of faith is whether or not it seems to have given a greater freedom of mind, spirit and action.
Philip Toynbee
At present, are you in a space which encourages or enlivens you?
Do you surround yourself with people, books, activities, thoughts which result in your experiencing greater freedom?
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Reinhold Niebuhr
Whirling, you encircle
and everything embrace
in the single way of life.
Three wings you have:
one soars above into the heights,
one from the earth exudes,
and all about now flies the third.
Praise be to you, as is your due, O Wisdom.
Hildegard of Bingen: 1098-1179
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