The dispositions, offered here … point to a way where we come to our true selves by going beyond ourselves, discovering who we really are through awareness, love, responsibility and commitment.
Practising resurrection: an invitation
Practising resurrection: an invitation to enter into a way of life that leads to life. It is not about trying harder: it is not about achievement or success. These precepts are practical and practised ways of living in a grounded and real way, and they include the following ground-rules:
Is, not should: reminding us how deadening the “should” and “oughts” in our lives can be
Drawn, not driven: hinting at the authentic and gentle movement of the Spirit of God, rescuing us from the tyranny of our addictions and compulsions
Now, not then: moving us away from the grip of regret about the past and anxiety about the future
What, not why: helping us focus on the reality or the facts of life rather than being lost in the endlessness of the often futile question “why?”
Me, not you: allowing us to move away from competitiveness and defensiveness into the grace-filled responsibility of learning to live out of our truth.

Human living as it is normally perceived is an escape from reality. The gospel message is a recall to reality, revealed as a mystery of forgiveness.
Sebastian Moore
Image source: Meena Matocha Prayers of the People
What we are being asked is to be as accurate or honest about ourselves. Facing and living out of our inner truth is a good description of humility. (“humus”= of the earth=grounded).
Jesus says the truth will set you free. There can be no freedom, in other words, unless and until. You face your truth.
The place of fear is the place of grace.
As you face and embrace your fears,
you become real-
and this place, of which you’ve been so afraid,
is uncovered as “a mystery of forgiveness”.

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