Practise resurrection: the glory of God

The glory of God is a human being fully alive


Don’t look at your “performance” – which all too often leads to:

I am not good enough.

I don’t deserve to be any better etc.

But ask yourself:

Is my attitude towards life life-giving or death-dealing?

Creative or destructive?

Freeing or imprisoning?

Each day – as you get in touch with thoughts, images, voices, things you tell yourself – do you feel better or worse? Can you hear an invitation/challenge in all this to say YES to life? To be committed?

Today – like everyday – there is the invitation, to practise resurrection.

Keith Haring (American, 1958–1990), “Untitled,” 1985. Acrylic on canvas, 90 × 236 in. (228.6 × 599.4 cm). Private collection. © Keith Haring Foundation.!/art-work/452. Tags: for God so loved the world, incarnation, sacred heart

The images in this post are of the work of Keith Haring, an American pop artist who died of AIDS at the age of 31. Most of the images are of Haring’s final work, a triptych cast in bronze and covered with white gold, titled The Life of Christ. There are 9 versions of this piece, including one at St Eustache in Paris and one in the Cathedral of St John the Divine in New York, where the work was first dedicated during Haring’s memorial service.

For more information on Keith Haring visit Michael Wright on Keith Haring’s “Jesus freak” connection.

For a printable PDF of the text of this meditation please click the link below.

For a printable copy of the series of 14 meditations, Practise Resurrection, click on the link below.

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