Scripture – a privileged place of meeting: begin in wonder

Days pass when I forget the mystery… Days pass when I forget the mystery…. The mysterythat there is anything, anything at all,let alone cosmos, joy, memory, everything,rather than void: and that, O Lord,Creator, Hallowed One, You still,Hour by hour sustain it.                                                  Denise Levertov Image: Caitlin Connolly (American 1986-), An Earth So Quiet She Could […]

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Towards healing: your need only

our incompleteness is the empty side of our longing for God and God’s love Gerald May [The kingdom’s] a long way off, but to getthere takes no time and admissionis free, if you will purge yourselfof desire, and present yourself withyour need only and the simple offeringof your faith, green as a leaf.                                 […]

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Towards healing: more than a cure

Our reading of the gospel story can and should be an act of personal communion with the living God William Temple William Temple, one of the great Archbishops of Canterbury in the 20th century said once that though the story of Jesus happened long ago, in it “we apprehend present fact”. This is because the […]

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