We are a marvelous mixture of well-being and woe. Julian of Norwich My inconsistencies are but the revelation of who I am. …I am full of contradiction: to realize it is mercy, to accept it is love and to help others do the same is compassion.Thomas Merton …behind and beneath the smooth wheels of the […]
Jesus is the truth of our existence: learning to choose life
I am beginning to hear the gospel at the level of my identity. Miriam-Rose Ungenmer Baumann ____________________________________________ Discipleship is the only form in which faith in Jesus can exist.Eduard Schweizer _________________________________________ We will never know what we do not do.Dietrich Bonhoeffer _____________________________________ Truth is that indestructible life that is open to us when we cease […]
The feast of St Mary Magdalene
____________________________________ July 25 2021 We experience again living in lockdown and coming together in spirit as we celebrate the feast of St Mary Magdalene. Stephanie has written this prayer to open our service. A prayer for the St Mary Magdalene’s Community As Mary Magdalene was healed and made whole,may we be healthy in body, mind […]
Jesus is the question God asks: learning to be
The images in this post are representations of Jesus with his disciples at the last supper and on the journey to Emmaus. Mark dares to turn the great self-revelatory tradition of Yahweh from a declaration “I AM” into a question: “Who am I?” Ched Myers ___________________________________________ I don’t know Who – or what – put […]
Jesus is the parable of God: learning to see
This week we begin a new series, ‘Who is Jesus?’. Fr Philip Carter leads us to reflect on the person of Jesus and the stories of Jesus as they speak into our own lives. The images and music accompanying the meditations show responses to the person of Jesus from different cultural perspectives. Christianity consists of […]
Approaching God: engaging with mystery
The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. John 3:8 ___________________________________ In our anguish we struggleTo elude Him, yet His love observesHis appalling promise; His predilectionAs we wander and weep is with us to the end.Minding our […]
Approaching God: letting go of God
The true radicalism in the doctrine of God can only be a continual destruction of an idol Karl Rahner ____________________________________ The true radicalism in the doctrine of God can only be a continual destruction of an idol, an idol in the place of God, the idol of a theory of God.Karl Rahner ______________________________________ My idea […]
Approaching God: wrestling with God
If you’ve never run away from God, I wonder who your God is? Paul Tillich Those who believe they believe in God, but without passion in the heart, without anguish of the mind, without uncertainty, without doubt, or even, at times, without despair, believe only in the idea of God, and not in God himself. […]
Approaching God: tell it slant
Tell all the truth, but tell it slantSuccess in circuit lies Emily Dickinson By love God may be grasped and held: by thought neverThe Cloud of Unknowing _______________________________________ God cannot be grasped by the mind. If he could be grasped, he would not be God.Evagrius of Pontus When we speak of God, using names and […]
Approaching God: experiencing God
For I greet him the days I meet him, and bless when I understand Gerard Manly Hopkins As a focus of absolute trust, one to whom you can give yourself without fear of betrayal, the holy mystery of God undergirds and implicitly gives direction to all of a believing person’s enterprises, principles, choices, systems of […]