Approaching God

This post begins a new series of meditations by Fr Philip Carter, Approaching God. This series will be accompanied by images and music from Hildegard of Bingen, medieval nun and abbess, scientist, musician, artist, mystic and saint. The notion that what we happen to apprehend directly with our five senses is all the reality there […]

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Love: Hospitality

Hospitality is the creation of space where the stranger can enter and become a friend instead of an enemy. Henri Nouwen Community, or how we live with others, is crucial for our world. To disappear as object of interest, like Thomas Merton, is to cease to be ego-driven, to refuse to compete or to make […]

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The four degrees of love

St Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) invites us to consider four degrees of love: The love of self for the sake of self.The love of God for the sake of self.The love of God for the sake of God.The love of self for the sake of God. We may illustrate these from the parable of the […]

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Love: and prayer

To live fully, love wastefully and to be all that God intends me to be. John Shelby Spong ________________________________________________ Prayer is properly not petition, but simply an attention to God which is a form of love.Iris Murdoch _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Prayer and love are learned in the hour when prayer has become impossible and your heart […]

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Love: freed from illusion

Love is the pain of waking from illusion Monica Furlong Love is God’s life code; it is what instructs and informs life.Carlo Maria Martini To see things as they really are. To see someone as she really is. Simone Weil suggests that “love sees what is invisible”.  ______________________________________________________________ Who or what don’t you see? To […]

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Love: our response

And did you get whatYou wanted from this life, even so?I did.And what did you want?To call myself beloved, to feel myselfbeloved on earth. Raymond Carver ___________________________________________ Imagine you were an oyster. The public would see you as an infrangible nut, a kind of sea-raid shelter, but you would see yourself as all mother-of­ pearl […]

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Love: Compassion

The way of compassion is truly beyond seeing love as a duty, an attitude we “should” have, but simply and radically a new way of being in the world, a new way of (freely) relating. The conversion that is called for is an awakening to our true self, our true home. Such a conversion is […]

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Love: God’s love

How small a love of Godthat becomes sated in himnot hungrier. Dorothee Soelle _____________________________________________________ The whole story of creation, incarnation and our incorporation into Christ’s body tells us that God desires us, as if we were God, as if we were that unconditional response to God’s giving that God’s self makes in the life of […]

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Love: is his meaning

This post is the first in Fr Philip’s reflections on Love, part of the series Faith, Hope and Love. The reflections on Love will be accompanied by images of the work of contemporary sculptors and architects who strive to express something of the mystery of this word ‘love’. Know it well, love was his meaning. […]

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Learning Jesus: Lenten reflection for Good Friday

___________________________________________ If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.Matthew 16:24,25 ______________________________________________ Following Jesus means embracing the reality of our existence and […]

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