Learning Jesus: part 1

Learning Jesus is discovering that he is an alive and contemporary Jesus. This is how God is; the one who shares our tiredness and burdens. And everything he said came out of his own lived experience of life and of God. Learning Jesus is awakening to the realisation that his inner experience is ours, if […]

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Choosing life: desire – the way I want

…what we’re seeking is an experience of being fully alive. Joseph Campbell Can I notice any difference between living out of the deep purposive movement of my soul and living out of my shallower, surface desires? The saint is the person who has discovered his/her deepest desire. They then “do their own thing” which is […]

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Choosing life: dream – the way I imagine

The heart is commonly reached, not through the reason, but through the imagination. John Henry Newman Am I allowing my imagination to stimulate or encourage me to be in touch with and live out of my deepest desires? What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination will affect everything. Pedro Arrupe If God […]

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Choosing life: Disposition – the way I am

Dispositions [eg: being open, truthful, aware] are the means to acquiring reality. Friedrich von Hugel Is the way I am – in my life, my prayer, my relationships – helping me towards a greater integration or disintegration? Prayer is a matter of intention, disposing yourself towards receiving something. Rowan Williams What matters is not what […]

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Spirituality of the desert: desert hospitality

My life is with my brother (and sister) Abba Anthony The way forward is the way to someone else. John V. Taylor Hospitality begins at home – with ourselves.Hospitality is about acceptance, of ourselves and others,and is always in the context of the immediate and the concrete. [Remember] You shall also love the stranger,For you […]

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