Spirituality of the desert: desert hospitality

Fr Philip Carter offers a ministry of spirituality, with a series of meditations on some questions that we may ponder as we consider our life in God.

You will find here his reflections and questions for meditation, images, music and poetry to enrich your life’s journey.

My life is with my brother (and sister)

Abba Anthony

Charles de Foucauld, a modern desert monk, said of the human being that
“Behind the veils and appearances, [there is] an unspeakably holy being”.

Think of a friend, a neighbour, a stranger, an enemy in the light of these words.

Do you want to live as if these words are true?

And what difference would it make?

The desert – at best – is not an escape. Transformation, which we long for, does not happen by escaping ourselves, or others. Withdrawal is not escape: it is about focussing on what matters. Spend some time on what you would like to run away from. Of course we must move away from what is harmful or destructive – but so often the Other (while at first seemingly threatening or even frightening ) can become gift and invitation.

For a printable PDF of the text of this meditation please click on the link below.

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